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Benefits of our antenatal classes

Help you prepare for labour, birth and life with your newborn

  • We provide evidence-based information from practising midwives

  • Give you the opportunity to meet other parents-to-be

  • Give support during the early days with your baby

  • Plus a free goody bag for all your labour and postnatal needs!


If this is your first baby, our classes will be invaluable to help you have a rewarding experience that prepares you for the life-changing occasion ahead of you, allowing you to enjoy it and not be overwhelmed.

Our course covers everything from labour and birth to the immediate days with your new baby so you will be well prepared for the amazing journey that lies ahead of you.

We advise taking these classes from approx. 26 weeks pregnant.


Course consists of 2 x 3-hour sessions

What we will cover:

In the first session, we focus on labour and birth! We will discuss everything to do with labour and birth including mechanism of birth; coping strategies; when to call the midwife; as well as providing a hypnobirthing taster. In the second session, we focus on the first few weeks after birth – also known as the fourth trimester! We will discuss feeding; coping with crying; safe sleep and lots of other valuable and practical advice on the caring for your newborn!


You will also receive a goody bag which is packed full of important things that we would have discussed in class and assist with coping with early labour at home.


Pricing: £155 per couple

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